Railway Coverage Solution
From:     Date:2017-02-20     Browse:1065
Comprehensive Solutions to the Coverage for Railway
  Since railways are blocked by mountains or other things, continuous coverage cannot be realized by only depending on BSs. So some blind spots appear especially in upland, which thus brings inconvenience to MS users’ communication in vehicles and will also make a dent in operator’s image. Therefore, the coverage for railways seems to be very important in order to safeguard the reputation and image of the operator.
  Most terrains of the blind spots along railways are complex, and it is hard and expensive to erect BSs there. It is advisable to employ high-powered outdoor repeaters. They can be easily erected and the cost is not too high. Besides, employ omni-directional or directional antennas according to specific situations. Note the adjustment of the antenna obliquity while the installation to avoid interference. Power supply can be obtained from the villages nearby and solar-powered repeaters can be used when short of power supply.